
How do the indicators used by a city or metropolitan region differ from the global indicators
How do the indicators used by a city or metropolitan region differ from the global indicators

how do the indicators used by a city or metropolitan region differ from the global indicators

Introductory paper at international workshop on’ Peri-urban dynamics: Population, Habitat and Environment on the Peripheries of Large Indian Metropo. Peri-urban dynamics: Population, habitat and environment on the peripheries of large Indian metropolises. The Bangladesh Development Studies, 19(3), 125–127.ĭupont, V. The information age: Economy, society and culture, the rise of the network society (Vol. Economic and Political Weekly, 37(2), 121–128.Ĭambridge-Dictionary. Shifting cities: Urban restructuring in Mumbai. Banerjee-Guha (Ed.), Accumulation by dispossession: Tranformative cities in the new global order (pp.

how do the indicators used by a city or metropolitan region differ from the global indicators

Introduction: Transformative cities in the new global order. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1–15.īanerjee-Guha, S.

how do the indicators used by a city or metropolitan region differ from the global indicators

Taking City Rankings Sertiously: Engaging with benchmarking practices in global urbanism. KeywordsĪcuto, M., Pejic, D., & Briggs, J. The research aims at measuring the availability, accessibility and liveability in Mumbai Metropolitan Region and emerges with various methods to analyse the patterns of liveability. Most of the frameworks have used the ‘availability’ structures to substantiate their theoretical assumptions on liveability and have grossly ignored the structures of accessibility. There have been several frameworks produced to propose a comparative literature on urban liveability in the form of ranking, benchmarks and indices. In fact, the structures of liveability are the final culminations of political economy of structuring availability and accessibility. The structures of availability and accessibility would decide the quality of life and liveability. Such restructuration of metropolitan regions has also fundamentally reshaped the spatial structures of availability and accessibility of civic, infrastructural and governance-related facilities to decide who will get what, where and how. To fine tune with the mandates of international capital, there has been a major restructuring of metropolitan spaces in terms of economy, infrastructure, land use, and so on. The rapid pace of urbanisation is found to be associated with the fierce global competition between the global and globalising metropolitan cities and their regions across the world to attract exhaustive financial and other types of investments. The quality of urban life emerges to be the most pertinent issue in the globalising metropolitan regions of India.

How do the indicators used by a city or metropolitan region differ from the global indicators